Forget your chimineas and firepits, our Wood Fired Pizza Ovens are multi tasking!!
Stainless steel spit 100cmProduct no.: Spit100£80.00 *
Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
1m Stainless Steel Chimney with CowlProduct no.: SSC£75.00 *
Delivery weight: 2 kg
Weatherproof Cover for 70cm - 100cm Wood fired ovensProduct no.: WPC100£95.00 *
Delivery weight: 1.7 kg
Traditional Wood Fired Pizza OvenProduct no.: WFPOfrom £470.00 *
Delivery weight: 500 kg
Deluxe Insulated Wood Fired Pizza OvenProduct no.: D-WFPOfrom £610.00 *
Delivery weight: 500 kg
Supreme Insulated Outdoor Oven with Cast Iron Door & ThermometerProduct no.: WFPO-DIfrom £940.00 *
Delivery weight: 450 kg
"Beehive" Insulated Outdoor Pizza Oven with Thermometer and StandProduct no.: WFPO-Standfrom £850.00 *
Delivery weight: 420 kg
Stainless Steel Condiment Holder with 6 x 1 pint compartmentsProduct no.: SSCH6£20.50 * |
Aluminium Pizza PeelProduct no.: ALUPEEL£18.50 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Pizza Oven Brush with brass bristlesProduct no.: Brush£30.00 * |
Pizza cutter - moulded plastic handle with 4" wheelProduct no.: cutter£4.50 * |
Square 10" pizza roasting baking panProduct no.: 10" Pan£12.00 * |
Sauce Spooners / Portion ladleProduct no.: Spooner£4.50 * |
Wooden Pizza PeelProduct no.: woodpeel£20.00 *
Delivery weight: 300 g
Digital Infrared ThermometerProduct no.: InfraTherm£18.00 * |
1.2m Crate of Kiln Dried Birch LogsProduct no.: 1.2mFlexi£150.00 *
Delivery weight: 375 kg