Forget your chimineas and firepits, our Wood Fired Pizza Ovens are multi tasking!!
Forget your chimineas and firepits, our Wood Fired Pizza Ovens are multi tasking!!!!
You will be the envy of friends and family with an outdoor oven, they are not only practical, but also an attractive focal point in any garden.
A freshly made pizza will take no more than 90 seconds to cook - it is fascinating to watch it cook and everyone will want to get involved - in particular the kids!
A cooking experience for all year round al fresco entertaining -
* not available with the "Beehive", Fire Stone or Portable ovens.
Our Mediterranean Outdoor Ovens are a robust and stylish feature for any outdoor living space.
We currently offer six models, the Traditional, the Deluxe, the Insulated with Stand, a portable pizza oven and the Mediterranean Royal.
A very popular way to cook on the continent and one that provides great results, is the roasting of large joints, suckling pigs or chickens on a roasting spit. The ovens have a recess hole* in the rear and support is provided on the middle of the door to support a roasting spit - please refer to the accessories section. Using burning embers on the floor of the oven a variety of meat can be slowly roasted over many hours to provide a huge feast later in the evening - simply delicious!
* not available with the "Beehive", Fire Stone or Portable ovens
We will also provide you with a full set of instructions showing you how best to build the fire and light it, with many tips and techniques. There is also a guide on what wood is best to use, along with some great recipes.
The oven is strong enough to be kept outside all year round, however it should be covered in poor weather to keep it clean and prevent moisture soaking into the ovenand therefore avoiding the need to cure it every year - please refer to the accessories section.
All ovens except the "Beehive" feature a convenient flue which offer the facility to either choke the oven or close the flue completely. This can be extended by 1m with the optional* flue which improves draft and also looks pleasing to the eye - please refer to the accessories section. * included with the Fire Stone & portable oven.
An Outdoor Oven is a delight to use and produces fantastic results - pizzas, baking or roasting. They are easy to use and give a new twist to outdoor cooking.
"Beehive" Insulated Outdoor Pizza Oven with Thermometer and StandProduct no.: WFPO-StandTraditional Double Insulated Wood Fired Pizza / Outdoor Oven With Door, Stand and Thermometer
Delivery weight: 420 kg
Deluxe Insulated Wood Fired Pizza OvenProduct no.: D-WFPODeluxe Insulated Wood Fired Outdoor Pizza Oven covered in a layer of cork
Delivery weight: 500 kg
Traditional Wood Fired Pizza OvenProduct no.: WFPOMediterranean Wood Fired Pizza Oven
Delivery weight: 500 kg
Supreme Insulated Outdoor Oven with Cast Iron Door & ThermometerProduct no.: WFPO-DIOur Top Of The Range Traditional Wood Fired Oven with cast iron door, stainless steel flue and thermometer.
Delivery weight: 450 kg
New Portable Wood Fired Pizza OvenProduct no.: PWFPOPortable Wood Fired Pizza Oven
Delivery weight: 46 kg